As part of the Commerce Data Usability Project, the NOAA, in collaboration with the Commerce Data Service has created a tutorial that utilizes NOAA's Severe Weather Data Inventory to develop a risk of damaging hail events across the United States. If you have question, feel free to reach out to the Commerce Data Service at

Imagine baseball-sized ice balls falling from the sky.

For some Americans, this is a real weather phenomenon that risks the physical well-being of people and property. In fact, the frozen precipitation resulting from fast updrafts during strong thunder storms can lead to serious damage and harm. Each year, the U.S. sees approximately $1billion in property and crop damage. But how often does it happen? Where do these events normally happen?

As it turns out, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) collects massive amounts of data on precipitation using radar stations across the country. Algorithms can be built on top of the data to track 'hail signatures' detecting when these events occur and the severity. This severe storm data is captured in NOAA's Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI) housed within the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).

Finding patterns over time

Between 2005 and 2010, NOAA has detected over 9 million hail signatures events. Often times, individual events on their own do not provide much context of prevailing conditions. In order to contextualize those events, scientists often process data into climatologies, or weather conditions averaged over a period of time. Climatologies can be presented in frequencies or probabilities over various time units (e.g. hourly, daily, monthly) and geographic units (e.g. 1 degree grid cell) for time horizons of 10 to 30 years. The practical applications are many, ranging from mitigating risk of encountering adverse storm events (e.g. when not to go to the beach) to anticipating the best time start growing certain crops. In short, climatologies help set probabilistic expectations.

The following two climatology graphs illustrate the natural rhythm of hail events over months and hours, respectively. A useful climatology typically focuses in on specific geographic areas, but for demonstration purposes, the data is processed on a national level. Each bar represents the proportion of all hail signatures detected in a given time unit over the 10 year period with clear peaks and troughs.

Monthly Climatology (2005 to 2015)

Monthly percent share of hail events

Hourly Climatology (2005 to 2015)

Hourly percent share of hail events

Where are the most heavily impacted areas? By reprocessing 9 million events down into 16,000 equally spaced grid points 0.25 degrees apart (~17 miles), it becomes easier to determine that the Midwest has a far higher chance of experiencing a hail event on any given day. When limiting the data to severe hail events (e.g. hail diameter > 3in), the majority of these events occur in a smaller but significant area of the country.
Hail data is just the tip of the iceberg. NOAA weather data can be processed into climatologies and be applied to determining when to plant a leafy vegetable to when to take a beach vacation.

Mapping the risk over space

Hail Risk (2005 to 2015)

Daily Probability of Hail by 1/4 degree grids (~17 miles). Nearest county to center of grid cell has been geocoded for context.

Severe Hail Risk (2005 to 2015)

Daily Probability of Hail (Diameter > 3in) by 1/3 degree grids (~23 miles)

Getting Started

To get you kick started, in this tutorial, we will go over the following critical steps in climate data processing in the R programming language:

  • Write a wrapper to pull down select data series from SWDI;
  • De-duplicate hail events and process events into gridded, daily hail signature counts
  • Calculate hourly and monthly climatologies
  • Map the data using leaflet.js with a popup containing the hail risk and the nearest county

To get started quickly, the code for this tutorial can be found at the following Github repo (

Leading Off

Start off by specifying the working directory as well as calling 7 libraries:

  • sqldf: Library for using SQL code
  • RColorBrewer: A color palette library
  • leaflet: An interface to the Leaflet.js library
  • googleVis: An interface to the Google Charts library
  • rgdal:Library for manipulating spatial vector files

Loading Data


The SWDI data covers a number of data series that use event detection algorithms on NEXRAD radar data. The main data series are as follows:

  • 'nx3tvs' - (Point) NEXRAD Level-3 Tornado Vortex Signatures
  • 'nx3meso' - (Point) NEXRAD Level-3 Mesocyclone Signatures
  • 'nx3hail' - (Point) NEXRAD Level-3 Hail Signatures
  • 'nx3structure' - (Point) NEXRAD Level-3 Storm Cell Structure Information
  • 'plsr' - (Point) Preliminary Local Storm Reports
  • 'warn' - (Polygon) Severe Thunderstorm, Tornado, Flash Flood and Special Marine warnings

We'll use the SWDI API to extract all hail signatures between 2005 and 2015 in 30 day incremenets as the maximum number of days per API call is 31 days or 744 hours. The wrapper 'swdi_pull' will need three parameters:

  • start date
  • end date
  • series
swdi_pull <- function(start_date,end_date,series){

      ##translate the string into a date, and range
      start <- as.Date(start_date,"%Y-%m-%d")
      range <- as.numeric(as.Date(end_date,"%Y-%m-%d")-as.Date(start_date,"%Y-%m-%d"))

      ##Placeholder for the result
      raw <- data.frame()

      ##Loop through Day 0 through the full range of days
      for(i in seq(0,range,30)){

        ##Load in parameters, hit API
        period <- start + i
        increment0 <- paste(format(period,"%Y"),format(period,"%m"),format(period,"%d"),sep="")
        increment1 <- paste(format(period+30,"%Y"),format(period+30,"%m"),format(period+30,"%d"),sep="")
        temp <- read.csv(paste("",series,"/",

        ##If the API kicks back a result
        if(ncol(temp)!=1 && colnames(temp)[1]!="summary"){
          raw <- rbind(raw,temp)
          raw <- raw[!$LAT),]

      ##Clean up time steps -- remove data outside of specified period

Now, we can tap the API for data. We'll first specify the parameters.

##Set Parameters
    start_date = "2005-01-01"
    end_date = "2014-12-31"
    range <- as.Date(end_date,"%Y-%m-%d")-as.Date(start_date,"%Y-%m-%d")
    series = "nx3hail"
    fraction = 0.25

And using those parameters, we can now draw down the data. This will take a while – about 10 million records.

raw <- swdi_pull(start_date,end_date,series)

Geographic Files

As the SWDI data is point-level data that will be processed into equal-interval grid points, we will want to add spatial context to the data by spatially joining points to county boundary files. The US Census Bureau provides boundary shapefiles through their website ( To efficiently load it in, we'll write a simple function to download, unzip and load a shapefile.

shape_direct <- function(url, shp) {
      temp = tempfile()
      download.file(url, temp) ##download the URL taret to the temp file
      unzip(temp,exdir=getwd()) ##unzip that file

To run the shape_direct function, we just need the url and the shapefile name.

shp <- shape_direct(url="",
                       shp= "cb_2014_us_county_20m")

In addition, we're going to pull in a reference table that links Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) codes that contain numeric identifiers for states. This'll be useful for clearly indicating in plain language which counties are in a given state.

fips <- read.delim("",sep="|")
    fips <- fips[,c("STATE","STUSAB")]  ##Keep the FIPS code and state abbreviation
    fips$STATE <- as.numeric(fips$STATE) ##Convert FIPS code to numeric
    fips$STUSAB <- as.character(fips$STUSAB) ##Convert state name to character

Basic Processing

Processing for mapping

At this point, we have all the data (hail signatures, county shapefiles, FIPs codes).

paste("Number of records in Hail data: ",nrow(raw),sep="")
    paste("Number of counties in shapefile: ",nrow(

Now, we can begin the process down the data. The first issue is to convert hail signatures from events to regularly spaced grid points at the daily level. As two or more radar stations may detect the same hail event at the same time, this basic gridding process will help to reduce double counting as well as allow for calculating a climatology.

To start, we’ll set a bounding box of the continental US.

#Cut down bounding box
    raw <- raw[raw$LON<(-50) & raw$LON>(-140) & raw$LAT > 25,]

Also, the hail event coordinates will be rounded to the nearest fraction as specified in the starting parameters. In this case, the fraction is 1/4 of a degree or about 17.25 miles latitudinally. Using SQL, we will group hail events by date, lat, lon, and hail size. Then based on the hail size, we’ll produce dummy variables are produced for each 2+ inch and 3+ inch thresholds. For context, the diameter of a baseball is approximately 2.9 inches.

##Round coordinates
      raw$LON <- round(raw$LON/fraction)*fraction
      raw$LAT <- round(raw$LAT/fraction)*fraction

    ##De-duplicate by day, latitude and longitude
      deduped_day <- sqldf("SELECT DATE, LON, LAT, MAXSIZE
                           FROM raw
                           GROUP BY DATE, LON, LAT, MAXSIZE")

    ##Dummy variable (and 3+ in)

Based on the de-duplicated daily, gridded data, we’ll now group by once again by lat and lon coordinates. This time, we’ll count the number of records per gridpoint (cnt = any hail event) as well as sum the dummy variables for 3+ inch (cnt_3) events. These count variables are then normalized by the number of days specified in the API call (range).

##Daily gridded frequencies
      singles <- sqldf("SELECT LON, LAT,COUNT(DATE) cnt, SUM(lvl_3in) cnt_3
                       FROM deduped_day
                       GROUP BY LON, LAT")

      for(i in 3:ncol(singles)){

Processing for climatologies

Similar to gridded processing, hourly and monthly climatologies can be processed using simple group by statements. Note that climatologies are calculating based on day-grid cells (e.g. whether a hail signature was detected in a 0.25 degree grid cell in a given day) as opposed to the raw hail signatures.

  ##Process Into Weeks
        deduped_day$DATE <- as.Date(as.character(deduped_day$DATE,"%Y-%m-%d"))
        deduped_day$MONTH <- as.numeric(format(deduped_day$DATE,"%m"))

      ##Frequency: Hour
        hourly <- sqldf("SELECT HOUR, COUNT(HOUR) count_all
                             FROM deduped_day
                             GROUP BY HOUR")
        hourly$`All Hail` <- round(100*hourly$count_all/sum(hourly$count_all),2)

    #Frequency: Month
      monthly <- sqldf("SELECT MONTH, COUNT(DATE) count_all
                           FROM deduped_day
                           GROUP BY MONTH")
      monthly$`All Hail` <- round(100*monthly$count_all/sum(monthly$count_all),2)

    #Assign monthly string label to each month
        monthly$mon <- "Jan"
        monthly$mon[monthly$MONTH == 2] <- "Feb"
        monthly$mon[monthly$MONTH == 3] <- "Mar"
        monthly$mon[monthly$MONTH == 4] <- "Apr"
        monthly$mon[monthly$MONTH == 5] <- "May"
        monthly$mon[monthly$MONTH == 6] <- "Jun"
        monthly$mon[monthly$MONTH == 7] <- "Jul"
        monthly$mon[monthly$MONTH == 8] <- "Aug"
        monthly$mon[monthly$MONTH == 9] <- "Sep"
        monthly$mon[monthly$MONTH == 10] <- "Oct"
        monthly$mon[monthly$MONTH == 11] <- "Nov"
        monthly$mon[monthly$MONTH == 12] <- "Dec"

Visualizing Risks

At this point, the data has been processed into a manageable form and visualizing the data is fairly straight. The bulk of the work going forward is focused on formatting and adding features to the visualizations. To do so, the data could be exported into JSON or CSVs to be ingested into visualization libraries such as D3.js, Google Charts, Dygraphs.js, and leaflet.js. In the R statistical programming language, there have been advancements in extending the functionality and interactivity such that web-based visualizations can be produced without leaving the platform. In this section, we’ll build climatology graphs using the googleVis library that leverages the Google Charts API as well as build climatology maps using leaflet.js.

Climatology Graphs

GoogleVis functions largely like any other plotting library and accepts drames, sends them through to the Google Charts API, and kicks back a JavaScript-based visualization.

### Column chart
    mon_clim <- gvisColumnChart(monthly,
                                yvar="All Hail",
                                         hAxis="{title:'Months'}", ##Title
                                         vAxis="{gridlines:{ count:0}}", #Remove gridlines
                                                 targetAxisIndex: 0}]")) #Series color
    hour_clim <- gvisColumnChart(hourly, xvar="HOUR", yvar=c("All Hail"),
                                         hAxis="{title:'Hours (24h)'}",
                                         vAxis="{gridlines:{color:'red', count:0}}",
                                        series="[{color:'darkred', targetAxisIndex: 0},
                                       {color: 'red',targetAxisIndex:1}]"))

Climatology Maps

Geoprocessing for the tooltip popup

Knowing where risks occur is not sufficient. A good risk map contains context. To do this for grid points, we’ll spatially join the grid points to the closest county, that is see which county a grid point falls. It’s not a perfect match, but gives some basic context for the local area.

To start, we need to convert the gridded data into a shapefile and define the projection as WGS84 – one of the most common spatial projections for global data.

##Set up spatial
      proj4string(points)=CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84")
      shp <- spTransform(shp, CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84") )

    ##Spatial join -- really simple!

    ##Join the results back to singles
      singles <- cbind(singles,a[,c("STATEFP","NAME")])
      singles$NAME <- as.character(singles$NAME)

    #Merge state abbreviation via FIPS
      singles$STATEFP <-as.numeric(singles$STATEFP)
      singles <- merge(singles,fips,by.x="STATEFP",by.y="STATE",all.x=T, sort=F)
      singles$loc <- paste(singles$NAME,", ",singles$STUSAB,sep="")
      singles <- singles[!$STUSAB),]

For the popup, we’ll need to create a separate subset for 3+ inch events, vectorize the fields, and combine fields for the popup message using paste0. The message needs to be written in HTML as this will be directly rendered in browser.

#Subset data into separate frames (needed for layers in leaflet.js)
      in3 <- singles[singles$cnt_3>0,]

    #Vectorize data for inclusion for popup text
    #All points
      county_all <- singles$loc
      x_all <- singles$LON
      y_all <- singles$LAT
      pr <- round(100*singles$cnt,3)

    #Hail balls > 3in
      county_3 <- in3$loc
      x3 <- in3$LON
      y3 <- in3$LAT
      pr3 <- round(100*in3$cnt_3,3)

      content_all <- paste("<h3>",county_all,"</h3>Grid Point: ",x_all,", ",y_all,"<p>Prob of Any Hail <span style='color:red'><strong>: ",pr,"%</strong></span></p>")
      content_3 <- paste0("<h3>",county_3,"</h3>Grid Point: ",x3,", ",y3,"<p>Prob of Hail (> 3in)<span style='color:red'><strong>: ",pr,"%</strong></span></p>")

Color palettes

For each series, we will need two color schemes that are sscaled to the range and variability in a data series. The color palette “Set1” used is pulled from the RColorBrewer package. The color scheme is high contrast and divergent, perfect for maps with varying levels of activity.

pal <- colorNumeric(
      palette = "Set1",
      domain = pr

    pal2 <- colorNumeric(
      palette = "Set1",
      domain = pr3

The Maps

We’ll initialize a leaflet.js map, setting the view centered on the mean coordinates of the continental US at zoom 4 (higher the value, closer the zoom), attributing the layer to CartoDB. With this basic code, we can build out maps nationally of all hail events and 3+ inch events and customize the styles.

10-year climatology map of all hail events

leaflet(width="100%") %>%
      setView(lat = mean(y_all), lng = mean(x_all),4) %>%
                 attribution = "NOAA NCEI SWDI, US Census Bureau TIGER, Cartodb basemap") %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = singles, lat = ~ LAT, lng = ~ LON,radius=(pr/5),
                       fillOpacity = 0.8,stroke = FALSE,
                       color = ~pal(pr), popup = content_all) %>%
      addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal, values = pr,
                title = "Prob(Hail)",labFormat = labelFormat(suffix = "%")

10-year climatology map of events with 3+ inch hail

leaflet(width="100%") %>%
      setView(lat = mean(y_all), lng = mean(x_all),4) %>%
                 attribution = "NOAA NCEI SWDI, US Census Bureau TIGER, Cartodb basemap") %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = in3, lat = ~ LAT, lng = ~ LON, radius=2*(pr3),
                       fillOpacity = 0.8,stroke = FALSE,
                       color = ~pal2(pr3), popup = content_all) %>%
      addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal2, values = pr3,
                title = "Prob(Hail diameter > 3in)",labFormat = labelFormat(suffix = "%")